A word from the experts

The word of experts is a virtual space for sharing professional content on various topics in the field of human resources management and professional rehabilitation.

In the URIHO Institution, as the largest protective workshop in the Republic of Croatia, we employ a large number of professional workers in the Rehabilitation Service: educational rehabilitators, psychologists, social pedagogues, social workers.

One of the main focuses in our work are employees with disabilities who are an underrepresented topic in the field of human resources management, and in order to spread the principles of inclusion and respect for diversity, we want to contribute to these topics.

In their texts, URIHO professionals share their professional experiences, new insights, innovations in work, successes, new perspectives on old challenges but also new challenges, with interested readers.

Our goal is to offer content that is innovative enough to interest professionals, but also interesting enough to encourage anyone who comes across it to learn and think about people with disabilities as a workforce.